Sep 18, 2007

whatever your hands find to do...rock out!

my manager has been brow-beating this concept, i mean, like kidney punching it into me. however he came at it like Jesus clearly said " what ever your hands find to do, do them to the best of your ability and/or to the glory or God". but that means nothing if you dont' find meaning in what you do.

lately I've been finding meaning. but does this also mean do with what you've got don't look forward to getting any more??? I thought that to be a ...strange feeling for those in the who are meter maids, sewage jumpers and the milk man who have no other prospects, and well people who haven't been given as many talents as most or aren't always appreciated in whatever job they find themselves.

I know there are loads of people who rock whatever they've been given to do so I feel compelled to do better with all that I have. I am moved the be the hittin'-est jamBila the world has EVER seen. I wanna take all my talents and milk them for all they are worth and give, give, give!
so, it seems the verbal abuse of repition has finally found it's destination. an understanding of what I'm to do with what I do. the only question now is how? and for whom? I'm sure it will be a fun and exciting journey answering those questions too!

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