Sep 4, 2007

Devotion Dilemma

It seems that I should take these...daily jewels (My Utmost for His Highest Devotional)of info in small strides. I've been reading other devotions and stuff and trying to come to some new... who knows. Each day I hoped I would find a glimpse of God through these readings...I had a glimpse but not really experienced...I'm not sure what I've experienced at this pint I've just grown the more...confused and affraid I'll never really get it. I've had a hardened heart for a long time and even when I will myself and pray for a willing spirit or a new spirit or right spirit..i dont' really feel moved, just all the more confused.

Maybe I could do what Eri did a while ago and just stick with the same entry or whatever it's called until I'm comfortable enough to move on. Today's reading was like. what?! I just had to be honest with myself and admit that I'm like in grade 5 with Jesus. Today's reading took like 11th grade knowledge and spiritual maturity to process. I'm not nearly as far ahead in this as I would have hoped to be.
BLLLGH! that's it for my devotion delimma. From now own maybe I'll do things at my own pace and not feel the need to keep going whether or not I've fully grasped the each concept.


erica said...

howcome you didnt post this on the utmost blog?
and... i think i have something you may enjoy reading... not as scary as oswald chambers style...

Deidre C. said...

keep on keeping on in the journey.

jamila said...

i did post it just not as wordy.