Jan 22, 2007

Super 'V'

So my blog has taken a spin. Now it's just about whatever the hell happens in, The Life and Times of Another "Happy Girl".

So today my friend informed me that the topic for this week on
illustrationfriday.com was "super hero". She was reminded of a character I drew orginating from the likes of one of our co-workers/homies.

Our homie went to the Miss Adam's Morgan Pageant last year where she had to be in costume. She geniusly devised the identity as one "Super V". Needless to say it was hilarious due to the fact that super "V" stood for the all powerful forces of the V. jj. It was even funnier because she was in a room filled with men in drag and few of them were interested in it's mesmorizing capabilites.

When we were all around the table we decided it must live on and professed that her slogan would first be "Just Do It", but Nike had that one. We then decided that her mission would be to rid the world of a life less indulgent. She would be the anwser to the abstinence campaigns. We soon ended up with "Don't wait, penetrate" and found ourselves laughing at our vulgarity. In the end we said screw Nike and took "Just Do It" back

When my co-worker/homie told me this I immediately invisioned a play on Wonder Womans' suite. And I went to work. "Super V" was reborn with a "V" on her crown instead of a star and other "V"s throughout the suit.

Her powers/weapons I'm sure were obvious. Thus, I simply surrounded her in a trembling aura.