Sep 18, 2007

a couple of blessings and a few expletives

so i know everyday we're blessed beyond comprehension but today in particular two blessings stood out more than others. first, after class today i got a call from my aunt who wanted me to do something (an art piece) for the Christmas play among other things. for those not in the know, i don't have a job so I do odd jobs like cleaning and portraits or other artsy stuff for, this is grand for me!

on my way to the car while still on the phone i remembered what hit me like a ton of bricks twenty minutes before class ended. i hadn't paid my meter since i left it 2.5 hrs earlier. i got to the car crossing the busy street safely and...NOTHING. i didn't get a ticket. and it was still there! i didn't know what to due with my thanks but thank the Lord many times over. I then called my mom cuz i didn't know what else to do i was sooo happy!!!! she said to just do what i had done and didn't know what else to say...two minutes later she received a call with a frantic child on the of course.

I had forgotten my ipod in the art bldg and had to turn back and get it. then the swearing and crying and other hysterics began (hyperventilation styles). when i looked to make my U-ey there wasn't anything there but BAM!!! when i started to turn i got licked on the driver's side. totally my fault and the fact that i had definitely lost my ipod now, i began to swear, but not when i got hit. just when it hit me. strange huh?

anyway i said "sorry Jesus," and began crying, i think i immediately realized what i had done. I wasn't really apologizing for swearing i don't think but after being so happy i was tested. it was like. "if you asked me to take care of your car why didn't you trust me with the ipod". then i thought "hogwash!!!"..and then "or not???. ok, sorry again."

i went back and looked for my ipod. nothing. i must have looked a mess all red-faced and mumbling. i got back in the car and tried to breathe. i must have called my mom about ten times after everything happened. that time i called to tell her that it was gone and i could barely close my door due to my latest lesson learned. i still couldn't breathe and was now hyperventilating. i was so upset!!! then i asked for peace, just oxygen and peace. twenty seconds later i breathed sanely and somewhat normal, thinking "i just needed to ask. why didn't i ask..." then with the door open i screamed, and i'm not even sure if i asked nicely..."HELP ME FIND MY IPOD!"

the end of the story is i feel foolish and sad cuz when i opened my eyes i see that it had fallen between the console and the passenger seat. all i had to do was ask and my car would be fine and i wouldn't have to tell three different insurance guys my account of what happened. hopefully this it he last time i'll have to tell it! if anyone asks i'm jsut saying, "read my blog "or "i don't wanna talk about it" least for now.
garr and umm???... i'm still confused as to how to deal with all of this.


Anonymous said...

definitely have been in that position and definitely know the emotional ups and downs.

i feel like we're going to go through this lesson quite a few times in life...

jamila said...

garrr i say garrr. but not for long. I'm slowly getting a hang of it.

erica said...

wow bila... i didnt know about the hard times... damn...