Jun 20, 2007


WARNING: These thoughts may be somewhat disconnected and I shall try and end it before this becomes the spills of a Bumbling Bila.

This whole thing is in response to Sr. Thought Provoker's Blog

Shit guy! You put it down! I too have let my mind go wild wondering such things...not as eloquently but pondered nonetheless. So many things having been addressed but I'll just give what I've got.

I have found that, in the practice of telling the truth, the problem seems to lie within the fact that we have not yet bought into (the lie for many) "the truth will set you free". It's often taxing. The maintenance required is almost equal to the lie we tell to avoid it..no?

Being truthful to those we could care less about is easier cuz we don't give 2 craps about it's repercussions...where it may lead...for example hurting strangers' feelings or someone we barely know isn't beneath most because we don't have to deal with their pain and could care less about how they view you as a result.

The case with those closest to us is that we often avoid truth in hopes to preserve something...whether it be and image of ourselves or or a "comfort level" acquired. I almost wanna say it's pure laziness but... no, I guess it is just that fear that we may not be able to keep up the charade that "all will be fine" if we do in fact deal with the truth on a regular basis. will it set us free? Dunno for sure but it's a hell of a lot of work. and that we already know. Thus, we keep telling the little lies that we think'll lead us in a preferred yet unknown direction.

As far as baring it all, truth styles...dunno... The heart of truth as we know is so brutal. Maybe there's no need to ALWAYS let it be known... God could never reveal all of himself to us because it's beyond our understanding and I don't think we can ever truly reveal ourselves to anyone but Him because we don't really understand our own humanity, nor can we always accept it.

DAMN!!! Truth is brutal cuz it causes us to see how gross we really are. So where are we now, truth leads to enlightenment? What happens once we find it? What if we can't handle it? AHHHHH!

If God is truth, does that mean that he's brutal to? I guess. Right? It's just one of his traits. As I've poured out some stuff and spilled others I feel as though they've become more loosely connected/disconnected whatever... thoughts after this will become intolerable so I'm out...still wondering.

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