Jun 21, 2007

I had a dream of appreciation once and it went like so...

These are bits a pieces of a dream about a platonic love expressed in a conversation between two friends....

1. I wish everyone could have someone like you.
Not to own or to lend as they choose or anything ...but everyone needs one of you.
Now that I've got one, I've realized that people need "You".
A place where one can fall into the tiniest pieces
And the other can help at least mend the edges.

2. Sometimes the words you speak may be few,
But however long they are profound, sincere, and true.
And with that I realize that I've always seen God in you.
My initial experiences told me so and in away I feel as though
He sought me out through you.

3. Your way of loving me is like that healing software for the crashing system.
Your "I Love You"s are wrapped in a tickle of the throat, the wrinkle in your smile
Or where the crows' feet meet your eyes.

4. I love how you translate,
so simply put
Spoken with fluency much like your world of art.

5. We'll never hurt each other because we'll never quite really know each other.
This is all so child-like.
So valuable. So awesome.

6. I've learned to love in the least selfish way I've ever known.
Again, I see God in you, the heft of simple/random questions
The way you answer questions with questions.

7. Thank you for never making me wish I was someone else. Or making me feel as if you wished you were with someone else.

8. Though our paths aren't as familiar as they once were
I still feel comfortable with conveying how I see things...for whatever it's worth.


erica said...

i like this a lot bila... a lot.

ethanhunt411 said...

I have no real idea what this blog meant but I know it's from BILA!!!! and I know BILA!!!! And I know BILA is the popsicle fiesta vice president!!!!! WOOOOOHooooooooo

Jael said...

wow. #7 hurts

jamila said...

it happens to the lot of us no? thus an awesome thing to have.

Anonymous said...

this sounds like it could be a song. It could be the next hit for In Touch.