Mar 7, 2007

Where Have All The Pirates Gone?

Why aren't there modern day pirates? with patches or wood on their eyelids?
There are thieves of the seas that dress fashionably foul
That swear profusely while swallowing vowels.
Yet we no longer call them pirates.

These are drunkards with "peg legs" and bearded men with hooks who swash buckle and wager booties through one-eyed looks.
They still anchor with harlots with buttery teeth and battle with swords that remain unsheathed.
Seizing barco and cargo and all things with value, controlling and roaming like nations at war do.
These scallywags, these hustlers of the seven seas have been robbed, stripped, and demoted to simple bandits and thieves.
Though still "argging" and "garring" and bad to the bone, I guess such terms will die beneath the seas foam.
plundering fools.

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