Oct 3, 2008

a day in the life

i guess the title may be a bit misleading but i couldn't think of anything better...so there you go. this is a video blog cuz i haven't been able to come up with anything witty and winning lately as far as the written word. Lesson plans and dealing with the kids at school has pretty much sapped most of my creativity.

Here you will find just a "brief" 7+ MINUTE rundown of what's been going on here...kinda...it;s a bit random at times but...that's just me.

-k miss you all.

if you haven't seen my precious girl zealand here she is.
and if you would like to check out some pics from our road-trip through the mythical states of montana, wyoming, idaho, north dakota, etc. check it out on eri's blog. you'll find a day-by-day breakdown of the trip. sorry i haven't gotten to it from my perspective but i assure you it is quite similar. good thing eri's all on top of that stuff.


Deidre C. said...

WE LOVE YOU!!!!! SOOOOOOO MUCH AND MISS YOU TOO!!!!!!! Love the vlogging idea! It totally suits you! Keep it up.

Did you know that the sound cuts out during the last minute of the video!! Good thing we can read your lips very clearly, we love you too!!!

Eric McFatty. said...

I hope your legs fall off dear.
Heaaaaaaaaart you.

: ) x 49889342.

TIP TOP said...

good to hear an update from you jambi! i'm glad things are going well :D

Erica said...

you so pretty.